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We specialise in Rehabilitation Services, Occupational Therapy and Case Management services, creating effective rehabilitation strategies to assist severely injured people back on the road to health as quickly and safely as possible.

Case Management

Occupational Therapy Services


We provide OT services such as home safety assessments, equipment prescription and provision, home modifications, wheelchair and scooter assessment, functional upgrading programs and cognitive strategies post Traumatic Brain Injuries. We also provide handwriting assessments and assessments in schools of Activities of Daily Living and strategies to increase participation in the classroom. 

Rehabilitation Services

We work closely with our clients to help develop, restore and maintain physical wellness so they can lead fulfilling lives. We cater our rehabilitation services to each individual because everyone's journey through recovery is different. Whether you are recovering from catastrophic injury, or managing a chronic illness, our services aim to maximize your quality of life through a whole person approach including:

  • Helping you regain lost function or adjusting to a new level of function

  • Assessing and modifying your home, community or work environment to improve access and independence

  • Educating you, your carers or significant family/friends in the use of adaptive equipment to assist your function

Case Management Services


We are able to work with adults and children who have suffered complex orthopedic or severe injuries that have made it difficult to lead a normal life.

Injuries may include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

  • Limb Amputation

  • Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

  • Major multiple orthopedic injury

  • Severe Burns

Case Management

Time Frame


The length of Case Management is structured to suit each person’s needs. Mild injuries will need short-term management for up to 6 months.




We are qualified to complete the following assessments:

  • Care Needs Assessment – Assessing adults and children in Mobility, Activities of Daily Living, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and their participation in vocational and non-vocational activities and community activities.

  • FIM Assessment  – Assessing the level of independent function of an injured person. (Current accreditation held)

  • CANS trained – Assessing the level of care that might be required for a person with Traumatic Brain Injury.

  • P CANS trained - Assessing the level of care that might be required for a child with Traumatic Brain Injury.

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