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Policies at Avanza Rehab


Participant Privacy Statement


Avanza Rehab complies with the applicable privacy legislation and has systems for the collection, use and disclosure, quality, security, accuracy and correction of personal information relating to you as our Participant.

The privacy and dignity of Participants will always be maintained. All Participants will be asked to sign the Participant Consent and Information Exchange Form to gain consent regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your information, to comply with the Privacy Act 1988.


This information is in our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and Procedure and is also detailed as an obligation within a section of the Participant Service Agreement.


Requests for access to your personal information we hold should be made in writing to the owner.

Where a person believes that a breach of this policy or the Privacy Act has occurred, a written complaint should be made to the Director of Avanza Rehab.


If you do not receive a response from the Director within 30 days, or you are dissatisfied with the response, you may complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) through:

  • the online Privacy Complaint form

  • by mail: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001

  • by fax: +61 2 9284 9666

  • by email:



Participant Service Charter of Rights




The Participant Service Charter outlines your legal and human rights, how you will be treated and what you can expect from Avanza Rehab. It also sets out your responsibilities and how you can give feedback on any aspect of the service.


Avanza Rehab takes a person-centred approach to care where the Participant or their advocate is primary to any decisions being made including any decisions involving care or supports


Avanza Rehab exists to work with our Participants, their advocates, family members and other service providers as relevant, to provide the services our Participants need and within the scope of our services.


We will provide support and work with other groups and education programs directly or in partnership with other services.


You can find information about our full suite of services here on our website or by asking one of our staff.

Avanza Rehab is a service provider with many year’s experience, supporting people with disability by providing the following services:


  • Therapeutic Supports (such as occupational therapy)

  • Training of support workers who work with Participants who have specific needs, particularly those who require monitoring and/or daily support, and that these workers are appropriately trained and understand the Participant’s needs and preferences.


1 Our Commitment to you

Avanza Rehab takes a strengths-based, person centred, holistic approach to care where the Participant or their advocate is primary to any decisions being made. We will ensure your care and support are managed with respect and consultation. When you are in contact with our organisation, we will:


1.1 Provide the services that meet your needs at the preferred times.

1.2 Review the provision of supports monthly with you

1.3 Communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner.

1.4 Treat you with courtesy and respect.

1.5 Treat you fairly and without discrimination

1.6 Inform you of your rights and responsibilities

1.7 Support you to connect with other services if needed

1.8 Talk with you on decisions about how supports are provided.

1.9 Listen to you for feedback and any problems which may arise.

1.10 Give you 24 hours’ notice if there is to be a change in a scheduled appointment to complete our service.

1.11 Keep your personal information private.

1.12 Keep you safe.

1.13 Tell you how to provide us with feedback on our service and how to make a complaint



2.1 Have access and supports that promote, uphold and respect your legal and human rights.

2.2 Exercise informed choice and control.

2.3 Freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making.

2.4 Be treated with respect and dignity

2.5 Access supports that respect your culture, diversity, values and beliefs.

2.6 Be supported and encouraged to engage with your family, friends and/or chosen community members.

2.7 Have sufficient time to consider and review your options and seek advice as required.

2.8 Access an interpreter or other language services as required

2.9 A service that respects your right to privacy and dignity.

2.10 Be supported to make informed choices which will maximise independence.

2.11 Be supported of your rights to receive quality and timely care and support in an appropriate environment which promotes your participation.

2.12 Access supports free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination.

2.13 Receive supports which are overseen by strong operational management including protection of your personal information

2.14 Access services which are safeguarded by Avanza Rehab’s well- managed risk and incident management system.

2.15 Be informed on how to make a complaint, compliment or provide regular feedback and be given information on how we will respond to that complaint.

2.16 Receive services from staff who are competent, qualified and have expertise in

2.17 Providing your person centred services.

2.18 Receive advice on other supports and services that may be available to you

2.19 Receive services which meet or exceed relevant industry standards such as the National Standards for Disability Services and the Charter of Rights



3.1 You can help provide a quality service if you or your support person;

3.2 abide by the terms of your agreement with us.

3.3 Provide complete and accurate information about yourself and your situation

3.4 Understand that your needs may change and with this, your services may need to change to meet your needs

3.5 Accept responsibility for your own actions and choices even though some choices may

3.6 involve risk.

3.7 care for your own health and wellbeing as much as you are able.

3.8 Explain if there is a change in your health

3.9 Let your support worker know if things change or you cannot keep an appointment or commitment

3.10 Complete consent forms so we can work with your advocate (if applicable)

3.11 Act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service and towards support worker

3.12 Provide feedback about the service and how it could work better

3.13 Report back to us is unhappy with services or if there is any matter of concern

3.14 provide us with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice when you will not be home

3.15 for your service.

3.16 be aware that our staff are only authorised to perform the agreed number of hours and

3.17 tasks outlined in your service agreement.

3.18 ensure pets are controlled during service provision (if any)

3.19 pay the agreed amount for the services provided.

3.20 tell us in writing (where able) and give us notice prior to the day you intend to stop receiving services from us.



Avanza Rehab values your feedback on a positive experience you have had with the service or how it could be improved. We also would like to know if you are not happy with the service you have received or believe you have not been treated fairly and reasonably.


You can give this feedback by:

  • Talking directly to Avanza Rehab staff

  • Asking to speak to a more senior person within Avanza Rehab

  • Contacting the office via phone

  • Completing a Complaints, Compliments and Feedback Form

  • Completing an Unsolicitored Feedback Form here on our website. Click on the Feedback page to do so.



Avanza Rehab will resolve complaints openly, honestly and quickly. Your complaint and a response will be acknowledged within 1 business day. If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you may contact an independent body such as:


The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Telephone: 1800 035 544




Information and Record Keeping Policy



  • Avanza Rehab will maintain effective information management systems with appropriate controls to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all stakeholders.

  • Avanza Rehab’s policies and procedures are maintained as read-only documents within its cloud storage system for access by all.

  • Avanza Rehab is responsible for maintaining the currency of this information with assistance from the Director (or their delegated authority) and other staff as required.

  • The involvement of all staff is encouraged to ensure Avanza Rehab policies and procedures reflect good practice and to foster ownership and familiarity with the material.

  • A copy of each form used by our organisation is maintained within the Policy folder.

  • All staff can access the policies and procedures at Avanza Rehab office in electronic format.

  • Policies and procedures are reviewed every three years at minimum or as required.

  • All superseded policies and procedures are removed from the Avanza Rehab; Policy and Procedure folder and electronically archived by the Office Manager or another delegated authority.



Complaints, Compliments and Feedback Policy


It is the policy of Avanza Rehab to create an environment where complaints and concerns, compliments and suggestions (feedback) are welcomed and viewed as an opportunity for acknowledgement and improvement. This is to ensure that individuals have the right to make comments and complaints and are encouraged to exercise their right in a blame free, resolution-focused culture, respecting an individual’s right to privacy and confidentiality throughout.


It is acknowledged that such comments and complaints are vital to review internal performance and processes and to seek continuous improvement of services as we seek to achieve our care commitment. Participants, families, or other stakeholders may submit a Complaints, Compliments Feedback Form about Avanza Rehab, supports or services, our staff, or our contractors.


Avanza Rehab maintains that complaints and feedback can be managed effectively through:

  • An open and transparent complaints handling system

  • The observation of the principles of natural justice and compliance with relevant mandatory reporting under Australian law

  • Commitment to the right of stakeholders to complain either directly, through their representatives or anonymously, via the website

  • The maintenance of complete confidentiality and privacy

  • Staff must abide by the Code of Ethics and Conduct Agreement

  • Staff training;

  • Each complaint being seriously considered and with respect

  • Participants are informed of both their right to make a complaint and how during the assessment and orientation process

  • Easily accessible information for people about the complaints process which is detailed within Avanza Rehab’s Complaints, Compliments and Feedback Policy and Procedure and also included on our website

  • The provision of support for those people who may need assistance to make a complaint

  • The protection of complainants against retribution or discrimination

  • The prompt investigation and resolution of all complaints

  • Communicating and consulting with Participants, family, carers and advocates during the complaints process and providing feedback and resolutions

  • Consistent interpretation and application of policies and processes.

  • The provision of opportunities for all parties to participate in the complaint’s resolution process

  • The acceptance of Avanza Rehab and its staff being accountable for actions and decisions taken as a result of the complaint

  • The commitment to resolve problems at the point of service or through referral to alternative resolution processes

  • The commitment to use the complaint as a means of improving the planning, delivery and review of services through our continuous improvement processes.



Working with Children




Avanza Rehab recognises the right of Participants to feel safe and to live in an environment where they are protected from assault, neglect, exploitation or any other form of abuse. This policy specifically looks at the requirements when working with Participants under the age of 18 years.  For information relating to Participants aged over 18 years, refer to the Safe Environment Policy and Procedure.

Avanza Rehab will encourage and support any person who has witnessed abuse of a Participant or, who suspects abuse has occurred, to make a report and be confident of doing so without fear of retribution.


Avanza Rehab must make such reports as a mandatory reporter.


Avanza Rehab acknowledges that prevention is the best protection from abuse and neglect and recognises the duty of care obligations to implement prevention strategies.


It is Avanza Rehab’s policy that all staff working in child-facing roles must have a (NSW) Paid Working with Children Check.  Child-facing roles include staff working as therapists or case managers.


Avanza Rehab, as a mandatory reporter, is required to report any indicators which put children at Risk of Serious Harm (ROSH) as required under the Act.



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